Windforce Airbuzz Holding AB

Windforce Airbuzz Holding AB

Strandgatan 28, 531 30, Lidköping
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스웨덴 스웨덴

회사 설명

Windforce is a Swedish company that is characterized by an uncompromising attitude to quality and function. We provide products and complete solutions that enable customers to generate their own electricity on the basis of climate-friendly and energy-efficient practices. We also offer solar powered lighting and other energy saving solutions.

We at Windforce wish that every individual should be given the opportunity to self-generate their own electricity from the abundance of green energy available in our environment. To be self-sufficient in electricity is extremely rewarding.

비즈니스 상세 정보

배터리 보관
1MW보다 작은PV시스템 설치업체
운영 범위
인버터 공급업체