Hyundai Heavy Provides 2.7MW Solar Panels to American Schools

게시됨 2012. 9. 24.

HD현대에너지솔루션 주식회사

Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI) announced today the completion of a 2.7MW solar and energy efficiency project ordered by Chevron Energy Solutions at Jurupa Unified School District, California, USA.

For the project, Hyundai Heavy provided 10,880 250W single crystal solar panels while Chevron Energy Solutions designed, engineered, and installed the solar energy system, and will operate and maintain the system.

The project consists of photovoltaic panels mounted on parking shade structures at nine campuses, the replacement of 400 air-conditioning units, and upgrading more than 21,000 lighting fixtures. With this project, the district is expected to cut its energy use by 16 percent and to reduce its carbon emissions by more than 3,463 metric tons, which is equivalent of removing about 679 cars from the road.

Hyundai Heavy also contributed USD 54,000 to the district as a part of its Hyundai Community Outreach Program. 


제공: Hyundai Heavy

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