Greece: Four Further Conergy Plants Provide Hellenic Solar Power

게시됨 2012. 10. 11.

Blueleaf Energy

Together with the local Company Spercheios S.A., Conergy realized four solar power plants for private Greek investors. The four plants with a total capacity of one megawatt were all being constructed using Conergy PowerPlus modules from the factory in Frankfurt (Oder). The power plants will produce a total of 2,800,000 kilowatt hours per year – sufficient to supply 722 households. At the same time, the plants will avoid 2,000 tonnes of CO2 being emitted, thus benefitting the environment on the Hellenic peninsula.

Three of the power plants are located in the region of Phthiotida in central Greece. It was in this region that Conergy had already constructed one of the biggest industrial rooftop plants of the Hellenic peninsula back in May for the largest Greek tomato supplier Nomikos A.B.E.K. Now, this is being followed up by three further solar plants for private investors with a capacity of 500, 300 and 100 kilowatt respectively. The solar experts installed the fourth plant in Aigaleo, a suburb of Athens. In this area, Conergy installed a 1 megawatt plant on the warehouse roof surfaces of the logistics company N. Kornilakis MEPE and connected it to the grid in July.

"Conergy is expanding its partner network in Greece further," said Dr Stefanos Melissopoulos, Managing Director of Conergy Greece. "As one of the market leaders, we have already been active in Greece since 2004, and we can rely on an extensive network and comprehensive experience – both for free-field parks and for the more complex rooftop plants. With our complete systems, we can offer our partners tailor-made solutions and support them in all areas with our services and our knowhow. All parties will ultimately benefit: thanks to a high-quality, safe and efficient plant, which performs reliably throughout its entire lifetime and produces consistently high yields."


제공: Conergy

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