Kostal Bags 103 PIKO Inverter Order from China

게시됨 2016. 1. 12.
Kostal Solar 
Kostal So­lar Elec­tric' PIKO in­vert­ers have ar­rived in China. Taizhou, a city in Jiangsu province, is in­vest­ing heav­ily in re­new­able en­ergy and fit­ting 103 PIKO 20 CN in a pro­ject to de­liver 2.4MW of elec­tric­ity. 

Most of the en­ergy gen­er­ated at the ground-mounted plant will be used by a lo­cal fish farm. How­ever, sur­plus elec­tric­ity will be sup­plied to the grid and made avail­able to the en­tire city and its 5.6 mil­lion in­hab­i­tants. The PV sys­tem is be­ing con­structed and fi­nanced by CNI New En­ergy (Nan­jing). 

Com­bined with poly­crys­talline mod­ules from GCL, the re­sult is a for­ward-look­ing pro­ject that sup­ports the res­o­lu­tion re­cently passed at the global cli­mate con­fer­ence in Paris and will pro­vide lo­cal peo­ple with clean re­new­able en­ergy and make an im­por­tant con­tri­bu­tion to en­vi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion.

위 기사에 언급한 회사들의 ENF 프로필

Kostal Solar (솔라 부품): https://kr.enfsolar.com/kostal-solar
Kostal Solar (소프트웨어): https://kr.enfsolar.com/kostal-solar
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