G-teK srl

G-teK srl

Via Giacomo Puccini 10, 41012, Carpi, Modena
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이탈리아 이탈리아

직원 정보

유용한 연락처
회사 설명
G-teK designs and provides power systems based on renewable sources of energy, particularly solar energy, but also wind, hydro and biomasses.

The application fields of G-teK systems range from the generation of electric current by means of PV solar modules, optionally integrated in buildings to the production of hot water for civil use.

Other sources like wind, water or wood may be used in order to produce clean energy and save costs.

비즈니스 상세 정보

설치업무 시작 날자
배터리 보관
1MW보다 작은PV시스템 설치업체
운영 범위
2023. 9. 14.