Cleantech Solar Commissions 9.8MW On-site Solar PV System

게시됨 2019. 3. 1.
Cleantech Solar 
Cleantech Solar celebrates the launch of an on-site solar PV system for Chip Mong Insee Cement Corporation. The whole system includes a 2.8MW floating solar power plant deployment on CMIC's reservoir, and the remaining 7MW installed across multiple rooftops of the facility.

Through a long-term partnership agreement, the project is expected to generate 297GWh of clean energy, avoiding 197,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions across the system's lifetime. The system will contribute to CMIC's sustainability efforts by substituting a portion of the large plant's electricity consumption with solar PV.

Mr. Meng Leang, Chairman of Chip Mong Insee Cement Corporation said: "Here at Chip Mong Insee Cement, we are committed to be a trusted company that is both environmentally and socially responsible. Producing cement in Cambodia to substitute imports creates jobs and opportunities for Cambodians and adopting solar is an additional important step for us to help meet our energy requirements whilst at the same time reduce our CO2 emissions. We have selected Cleantech Solar based on their extensive track record, strong technical as well as financial capabilities. This, together with our shared values on safety and quality, has delivered a very successful solar project and solidified our partnership with Cleantech Solar."

Mr. Raju Shukla, Cleantech Solar Founder and Executive Chairman said: "It is very satisfying to see the state-of-the-art Chip Mong Insee Cement production plant now benefitting from our high-quality solar PV solution that combines rooftop and floating elements. In addition to environmental and social benefits, such as cutting emissions and promoting corporate social responsibility, the economic benefits of sourcing renewables will also include cost savings, long-term price stability and security of supply. We will like to extend our hearty congratulations to Chip Mong Insee Cement on achieving another milestone in their sustainability journey."

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