Solect Energy Completes Three Solar Projects Totaling 273KW in Massachusetts

게시됨 2021. 3. 25.
Solect Energy 
Solect Energy has completed the installation of three different rooftop solar energy systems totaling over 273 kW in the Town of Winchester, Town Manager Lisa Wong announced today.

The installations are located at the Winchester Vinson Owen School (69kW DC), Winchester Department of Public Works (76kW DC), and Winchester High School (127kW DC) and are owned by Safari Energy. All three systems are behind-the-meter Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs), which means that the Town consumes the energy generated at the building, and instead of purchasing the systems, it purchases the solar energy at a low, fixed-rate, displacing a portion of electricity delivered by the utility.

Like dozens of other Solect PPA Customers, the Town of Winchester became a member of PowerOptions, New England's largest energy-buying consortium, to leverage its Solar and Storage Program procurement. Through the program, the town was able to contract the three solar PPAs without having to conduct a separate bid. Rather, the Town utilized the PowerOptions Solar Program with Solect Energy, saving significant time and effort and resulting in considerable savings for the Town.

"The Town of Winchester wanted to add rooftop solar arrays to suitable town and school buildings to put our Climate Action Plan into action and also reduce energy costs. It was challenging to balance the sustainability goals with operations and maintenance needs. Solect listened and partnered with town officials and multiple-member committees with expertise, patience, and creativity. As the town identifies other locations for solar projects, Solect would be on our list to work with again," said Susan Verdicchio, former School Committee Chair and current Select Board member for the Town of Winchester.

"The Town of Winchester's commitment to going green is truly inspiring. The three solar systems that Solect installed will not only further their efforts, but it will provide substantial savings on their utility bills and serve as an excellent educational tool for students and the community," said Solect Energy's Vice President of Development Matt Shortsleeve.

The rooftop arrays will produce approximately 3,000 MWh expected to save the Town of Winchester approximately $525,000 in their electric savings plus PILOT payments over the next 20 years.

Together, Solect Energy and PowerOptions have reduced energy costs with over 80 solar or solar + energy storage projects to serve PowerOptions members including cities, towns, schools, state agencies, and nonprofits across Massachusetts.

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Solect Energy (솔라패널 설치):
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