Solar Frontier拟在日本建设13兆瓦光伏电站

게시됨 2014. 7. 28.
Solar Frontier 
July 25, 2014 - Solar Frontier and the town of Hiraizumi have agreed to build a 13MW CIS megasolar ("utility-scale") power plant. Hiraizumi, located in Iwate Prefecture in north-eastern Japan. The new megasolar plant will be located in Kagonezawa District of Hiraizumi on 30 hectares of land designated for commercial use.

Solar Frontier will operate and manage the megasolar power plant. The electricity generated at the facility will be sold to Tohoku Electric Power Company and is expected to equal the amount of electricity consumed annually by almost all of Hiraizumi's 2,630 households.

The project, initiated by the Hiraizumi administration, has received the support of local residents. "Through Hiraizumi's local residents, we are proving that historical sites and renewable, clean energy can exist side by side," said Masayoshi Sugawara, Mayor of Hiraizumi. Part of the income generated by the power plant will go toward preserving the world heritage site.

Solar Frontier's CIS modules were selected for their higher electricity yield (kWh/kWp) than crystalline silicon modules in real operating conditions. For Solar Frontier, this is also an opportunity to contribute to the local economy by working with local companies. Together with Solar Frontier's upcoming Tohoku Plant, this project demonstrates the company's strengthened presence in the Tohoku region of Japan. 

Through this project, Solar Frontier and Hiraizumi are promoting the development of renewable energy in support of historical sites and urban development.

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