
게시됨 2015. 8. 17.
Blueleaf Energy  Symbior Energy 
Conergy and ATC Enviro Co. Ltd. today announced plans to build three new solar power plants in Thailand representing a total capacity of 19MW.

Conergy will be responsible for the overall planning, engineering, design as well as the component supply for the power plants. They will be collaborating with the Ensys Group, for the on-ground construction.

"Symbior's outlook for solar PV continues to be very positive for Southeast Asia with Thailand being one of the fastest growing markets for solar energy," said Symbior Solar CEO Florian Bennhold. "Conergy is a dedicated partner for Symbior with the expertise and experience in the region to build efficient and cost effective solar projects."

After the completion of this ground-mounted/ free-field installation project in Prachinburi province, there will be two solar parks which will have an installed capacity of 8MW each located in Si Maha Phot district and one more new solar power plant located in Si Maho Sod district which will have an installed capacity of 3MW. The two sites in Si Maha Phot district will each generate over 11,675MWh of electricity per year while the site in Si Maho Sod district will generate over 4,374MWh per year. Together, these plants will supply approximately 28,000MWh of clean electricity annually to local homes in Prachinburi Province.

The new solar installations will save about 17,000 tons of carbon (CO2) emissions. The 8MW plants will be located on a 213,992 square meter property while the 3MW plant will lie on a 46,000 square meter land. The plants will be equipped with 61,260 Conergy PE310P modules, Conergy Sigma II mounting systems and 19 central inverters.

"Thailand is committed to achieve ambitious renewable energy goals and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. Solar energy is integral to the success of the program. These projects with Symbior highlight solar's growing recognition and visionary companies are active partners in meeting the goal of 20 percent of the country's electricity supply being produced from renewable sources by 2036," said Alexander Lenz, President of Conergy Asia & Middle East.

"Thailand was an ideal location for solar power generation because of the abundant, year-round sunshine and availability of suitable locations for the construction of solar power plants. "Solar power can significantly decrease the use of fossil fuels and can therefore make a sizeable contribution to the reduction of CO2 emissions, thereby contributing to the creation of a more sustainable environment," added Lenz.

제공: Conergy
위 기사에 언급한 회사들의 ENF 프로필

Blueleaf Energy (솔라패널 설치):
Symbior Energy (솔라패널 설치):
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